Шервуд Спрингер


Шервуд Спрингер (Springer, Sherwood, 1912 - 2000. Пенсильвания) - американский писатель-фантаст. Первая НФ публикация - рассказ "Или вуду" ("Alias a Woodoo", 1952).

Short Fiction Series:
• Alias a Woo-Woo (1952)
• Love That Woo-Woo! (1953)


No Land of Nod (1952)
Greetings from Earth! (1954)
Behind the Moon (1955)
Lords of Gestation (1956)
Lorelei at Storyville West (1977)
The Scorch on Wetzel's Hill (1977)
The Wayward Flight of the Teety-Oh (1977)
Fragger's Bottom Line... Line... Line... (1978)
The Chill of Distant Laughter (1978)
The Quest of the Infidel (1980)
Only You, Fanzy (1980)
The Assiz Dragon (1981)
Among the Wilder Talents (1981)

Epitaph Near Moonport (1954)
Epitaph in Avalon (1954)
Epitaph on Rigel XII (1977)
Epitaph on Ceres (1977)
Epitaph to a Time Traveller (1978)

Introducing the Author: Sherwood Springer (1954)

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