Marcel Haas

Биография сообщает:
Marcel de Haas is an officer in the Royal Netherlands Air Force. Since September 2003 he has been posted at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany as Head of the Research Branch. He completed his MA in Russian Studies at Leiden University (1987) on 'Soviet Policy Towards Southern Africa' and his PhD at Amsterdam University (2004) on 'Russian Security Policy and Air Power 1992-2002'. He has published some 50 articles on Soviet, CIS and Russian security developments in the Journal of Slavic Military Studies, RAF Air Power Review and Officer magazine as well as in Dutch military-political journals. As an arms control inspector he has visited Russia and Belarus.



Ulenspiegel про Haas: Russian Security and Air Power, 1992-2002 [en] (История, Справочная литература) 12 02
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